Friday, August 29, 2008

What I Noticed When My Colleagues Resigned...

Five CEOs in a decade, a high employee turnover of 30%, Coca-Cola India was in a chaos as constant churn at the top took its toll. “Every time a new CEO took over, he drew out a new strategy and a fresh gameplan to win the market,” recalls a Delhi-based ex-employee. Lack of confidence and patience from the headquarters only made matters worse. “The short-term approach to show quick results was taking its toll,” recalls a Bangalore-based ex-employee who was involved in operations. " (The Economic Time, Indiatimes ; 27 Jun, 2007)

I can't help but relate with confidence, the scenario Coca Cola India had. Every words of the above statement reflect what I am living, in my daily work. As a result, I have lost dozens of colleagues, and I will be losing another in a couple of weeks.
The posting is not meant to comment on my management's strategy, merely its to draw to attention what are the fundamentals of keeping an employee loyal to an organization. I will take a different twist in approaching this. Thanks to a source , called Andy, company's HR or Line Managers should take note of "The Signs that Your Employee Is Losing Interest in Work"

1. Your employee cannot remember the last time s/he got a promotion, above average raise or a special achievement award, and s/he has stopped caring that s/he hasn't got one of these in a while.

2. All s/he care about is her/his paycheck and not about professional growth, future projects or where the company is headed.

3. S/he can't be bothered participating in any after work related social or sporting activities. These are some of the best networking opportunities and committed employees make the time to go to these.

4.S/he only does enough work to get by and to avoid detection of her/his lack of interest.

5. S/he tunes out in a majority of meetings s/he attend and can't remember the last meeting where made a constructive contribution.

Note : I am running a survey. Please post a comment as annonymous and tell me how many items out of the 5, that you are currently facing. Thanks


Anonymous said...

I don't like to be annonymous. I am Hotchick :)

I can relate 5/5. Can I add more?

Keep it coming kit

Anonymous said...

5 out of 5...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I think you wrote those points right?

I can relate to 5 pof 5 at present time

Anonymous said...

5 out of 5. And things will not change.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is 21 signs. Your list is inadequate. See below.

1. You no longer feel challenged in the work you are doing. It is either boring or of little interest to you and your only goal is to get it done as soon as possible, as opposed to doing the best job possible
2. You cannot concentrate on a particular activity for more than an hour or without first having a caffeine induced buzz. This includes getting easily distracted by other's conversations or general office noise
3. You feel that you are always getting the crappy assignments and others in your team are getting the good ones. This could also be a sign that your employer is losing interest in you!
4. You cannot remember the last time you got a promotion, above average raise or a special achievement award, and you have stopped caring that you haven't got one of these in a while
5. You get too work late and leave early for no real reason other than you want to minimize your time spent at work. Overtime is a painful word to you
6. You look forward to the social interactions at work more than the actual work it self. This is reflected when everyone comes to you for the office gossip and management gripes, and you are more than happy to discuss and complain about how bad the current conditions are
7. You feel that things have to be better elsewhere and that it is only your job/company that is bad. This is called the "Grass is greener on the other side syndrome", and is rarely true, especially if this is the second or third job/company in a row that is making you feel this way
8. You spend more than 2 to 3 hrs a day on non-work related stuff like surfing the web for the latest McCain/Obama political news, celebrity gossip, blogging, stock trading, online shopping or on message boards
9. All you care about is your paycheck and not about professional growth, future projects or where the company is headed
10. You can't be bothered participating in any after work related social or sporting activities. These are some of the best networking opportunities and committed employees make the time to go to these
11. You tune out in a majority of meetings you attend and can't remember the last meeting where made a constructive contribution
12. You never volunteer for projects or activities that could mean extra work for you, but could also have resulted in recognition of your work by senior management
13. You blame office or organizational politics for everything that is bad in the company, and think that you could do things better but just don't have the authority
14. You feel like everyone enjoys being at work, while you don't and start resenting your colleagues who are doing well in their jobs
15. You only do enough work to get by and to avoid detection of your lack of interest
16. You actually look at the spam emails talking about made up jobs that look to be too true, like professional chocolate taster. All they want is your email and phone number, to put you on a master distribution list. This also extends to the excessive amount of time you spend on Linkedin or other professional networking sites, to see what your "connections" are doing. Networking is good, but not when it becomes your main activity while at work
17. You feel really depressed on Sunday evenings at the prospect of going to work the next day
18. You are only in your job because the economy is bad and so you justify to yourself that there is not point in looking for another job
19. You stop mentoring or helping junior colleagues and feel resentful of the fact they are trying to do your job without the years of experience you have
20. You take one or more sick days a month when neither you nor anyone in your family is really unwell
21. You have read this entire list a few times over and can relate to a majority (15+) of the items!

Anonymous said...

way to go. very daring of you.
i relate all 5s

Anonymous said...

Hey Kit,

Aren't you worried your HR or your boss reads this?


Anonymous said...

Well, I can relate to the 5 of the 5 or 21 of the 21. I'm pretty much there, haha.

As for HR and Boss, duh, does it matter what they think ?

They probably wouldn't even notice their team dejected, as HR is most of the time in their holes hibernating and the bosses, well, in crucial meetings trying to save the world from a meteor.

Anonymous said...

One of the you said "Aren't you worried your HR or your boss reads this?"

Let me help by quoting...

Team Codes for ONE FORCE
- Cohesion & unity
- Sense of ownership
- Transparency
- Speak up & challenge the status quo
- Winning spirit

If the list above is just a flavour of the moment cliche rather than the bosses' eternal management credo...I weep for the organisation. It reminds me the story about The Emporor's New Clothes.

Warmest regards,
NgDM (Long Live BORA)