Friday, February 27, 2009


A man ones promised his mother that he will quit alcohol. He substituted it with Coca Cola and now, he's an addict, for more than 40 years. Pero Ajtman, from Croation says " "She made me promise never to drink again and Coca-Cola was the only thing that tasted as good as wine so I started drinking that. Now I have a glass in the morning, before and after lunch, with my dinner and then before I go to bed. I never drink anything else."

What are you addicted too? Here are some of the top Malaysian Addictions.

1. Addiction to Lawsuits : In Malaysia, the only law that Malaysian MPs make is lawsuit. Touch a bit, I will sue you for assault. Say a bit, I will sue you for defamation. Write a bit, I will sue you for malicious claims. I don't like you, I sue you. No wonder our courts could not clear all their cases.

2. Addiction to Facebook : Everybody in Malaysia(those who have access to Internet) is in Facebook. Malaysia has 800k active members in Facebook. No wonder MCA wants to recruit through Facebook.

3. Addiction to Conspiracy Theory : Everyday you hear different theories of who killed the late Altantuya, or theories of how Eli's picture ended up with the press. The best theory I have heard so far is PR and BN will emerged post March and become one BPRN or "Best Politician Re-Elected by Najib.

4. Addiction to Being Nosy : We always like to know what the neighbour is cooking for dinner, what does our colleague's partner work as, or how we search high and low for 'voyeuristic pictures of others in private, and also wanting to know where the Gwailo tourist we see on the street is going or where are they from. Because of this addiction, we are coined as "Friendly and Caring".

5. Addiction to I Have A Coke... : Well actually not really. There are only a handful of active readers. But this blog started of with the inspiring words of Martin Lurther King , I Have A Dream...


Anonymous said...

No.5, that's your addiction...hehehe...

WaiKit said...

Right on wendy!!

Carolyn (Lil' Dahling) said...

Funny post!

WaiKit said...

Lil, you can relate right?? Hehe